May 14, 2007

This is Anna Jippie!

This is the most awesome car in Amsterdam. And this is Anna (also really awesome, just not a car :p)

She is really hansome and very cool and nice and all that stuff.
Groet Francien


JK said...

Yay for pictures of you with dreds! Love the car. =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! Anna finally got the dreds she always wanted and they look sweet! Way better than the dreds I had...way to go. I hope all is well. Keep pressing on!

Cactus said...

Anna, i am somewhat jealous. The dreads are awesome.

Francien said...

Jippee Anna is cool

Jason said...

Here or There,
Straight or Dreaded,
Soaking or Oozing,
Melancholy or Magnanimous,
Prostrated or Pontificating,

You are a beautiful child of God Anna.

Anonymous said...

oh the dredded hair of the eldest skattebo...
i wish i was there to touch them myself and tell you how cool you are. you wrote the book on it, y'know.

and i miss my friend. phone chat soon?

squatiyaki said...

So great to find a new post from you. You are in my thoughts so often. You are a delight to His heart and to mine! Hang in there.