December 13, 2007

Something New

Silence has been killing me lately. I talk as much as I ever do, but honestly it's mostly fluff. When people ask me how Amsterdam was I say, "It was good" and I am really satisfied with giving that answer at the moment.

I think the problem is that I don't want to talk. I want to be listened to, but I don't feel like talking (haha, good luck friends!).
I am so unfinished, I realized today. I don't want to talk until I have everything fitted into neat and interesting categories, til I have that one "knock-em-dead" story, til I have slimmed down my overzealous new-digital-camera-owner collection of pictures into one that will fit on one cd, or into one 5 minute presentation.
How to sum up Amsterdam... it just can't be done. When I am asked, it seems like every distinct story, every interesting person, everything I learned just turns into one giant eight month blur. Umm, it was good. And bad. And...
Forgive me for my silence. I am afraid I will explode on you if I start talking. I guess I think it would be better to explode on my own than in public. But man, it's lonely in here.