February 13, 2009

February 13th

Ok, this is so weird- I got on to edit a draft of a blog post and found a bunch of others I had forgotten about. And one of them was called "February 13th"! Weird... And never posted.
So here you go, from February 13th, 2007 but still true for me.

It is February 13th
It is the day before love

And so there is possibility
but not reality

there is hope
but no bread on the table

there are sparkling eyes
and a growling stomach

not only for love
but for life

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like that expectation, that longing - how crazy that it was Feb 13th - I think it's a sign from God that it's been too long since you've posted. I can't wait to hear more of your poetry and musings. I love you, Anna, it was so good to see you last weekend!!