September 2, 2009

written in Amsterdam, May 8th, 2007

a hospice house
this is a house for the inevitable
children who will
come to this garden home
they are surrounded by light and beauty
so that the last things that fade away leave a rosy glow on them

what if all inevitabilities were cared for?
death, yes, but what about the ones in life
you will be hurt
you will hurt
you will gain and lose things
you will be confused at all this

and in a rosy colored building
they would nurse you and prepare you
for these tragedies
because they cannot be helped
but maybe a glow can be set upon them too
so that you can go into the world
and face the impending

1 comment:

Sara Danae said...

Hi :)
I hope you don't mind,
I'm an ex shelterite who was bored one day and started browsing shelter blogs. . . yours was really encouraging to look at, and I wish I had read it while I was still there because so many of the things were applicable and I just kept thinking, "ah! that's so crazy and brilliant, I wish we had done -insert something crazy and brilliant that could only happen at the shelter- while I was there!"
Anyway, thanks for sharing your life, just wanted to let you know your writing has blessed someone. :)